Dear Friend,
We are very glad that you decided to visit our website and see what Calvary Chapel is all about. We invite you to visit us this Sunday and sincerely hope your faith will be encouraged, challenged or strengthened. If you do not have a church home, we would love to have you join our church family and we can assure you of two things: you will be loved and faithfully fed with God’s Word here. There are many ways to get connected with us at Calvary Chapel Tampa to make friends, grow spiritually and serve others. Check out our many opportunities to connect on the Calendar or Ministires page, or visit our Welcome Booth when you come to see us in person. We have a welcome gift waiting for you. You can speak to one of our friendly volunteers, ask questions and pick up more information. Please know that we would love to learn more about you and get to know you better. I love to meet our new visitors after the worship service, so please come and introduce yourself to me. We at Calvary Chapel Tampa look forward to getting to know you more and coming alongside you on your walk with Christ.