by Pastor Mike Holm
At age 17, I made a decision that would impact my life in ways so profound and far-reaching, I would not have believed it possible if I had been told. The decision was a very simple one. Read the Bible after dinner and try to get to know God better, instead of lift weights after dinner and try to look like the guys in the Joe Weider magazines (as was my unswerving life routine at the time). At 145 lbs soaking wet, the risk the body-building world would be losing its next protege' was certainly not great by my vaccilation. :)
Truth be told, there was NO vaccilation in my commitment to become a pure D muscle head then. I simply had a greater desire. A desire that "came out of no where." A strange, unpremeditated desire to know the Lord who I already believed in unswervingly. Something was happening in my heart.
On just the third night of having set this new course, a mighty something occurred. A radically, life-changing something. The Lord visited me through the reading of His Word. In some manifest, deeply personal way, His presence was there, breaking me down, drawing me. It opened my tear ducts (which have been a whole lot wider ever since). It made me sense that Casting Crowns, "Who am I" concept Mark Hall so poetically wrote about. "Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star, Would choose to light the way, For my ever wandering heart?" His glory and greatness... my absolute nothingness. The stark contrast, yet the awe-struck thankfulness. And all I wanted... all I wished... all I longed to do in His presence was... SURRENDER MY LIFE COMPLETELY!
This was the personally cataclysmic consequence the simple decision to seek God through His Word brought... 40 years ago. To experience suddenly, unexpectedly the manifest presence of God and be drawn by His Spirit to glad and absolute surrender.
THAT'S why Jesus prayed us, "Father, sanctify them by Thy truth. Thy Word is truth." And THAT'S why I love the Word of God! There is a POWER waiting in His Word waiting to be released to those who earnestly seek Him. A power that will set apart the life for Christ's sake and the gospel! Oh, Christian friend, seek God! And do it with and through the Word!